On the Trail of Our Ancestors

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German Pioneers to Pennsylvania
Passenger Ships' Lists
Orange Beads

NOTE: List C is the only list for this ship.

[List 257 C] At the Court House at Philadelphia, Monday, 7th October 1765.

Present: Thomas Lawrence, Esquire.

The foreigners whose names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Countess of Sussex, Capt. Thomas Gray, from Rotterdam, did this day take and subscribe the usual Qualifications. In the List 24. Whole Freights 41. Number of Souls 50. 28 October 1765, pd. by Captain Gray.

William (X) Hagher                   Jacob Standemeyer
Jno. Christopher (X) Schonfelder     Christian Schneider
David Wohl                           Johan Gotlip Ponce
Rudolf Küpfer                        Johannes Gotlip Ponce
Frantz Carl Beaujacque               Conrad Brombach
Johan Leonhardt Hirsch               Johannes Brombach
Henry (+) Sevon                      Johan Henrich Bender
Joh. Theodor Hofius                  Johann Henrich Heyde
Johann Jacob Scheppach               Johan Henrich Moll
Jorg Michael Hertle                  Antres Hubertz
Johann Thomas Metzler                Johan Christoph Schultz
Melchior (O) Metzler

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