NOTE: List C is the only list for this ship.
[List 236 C] At the State House at Philadelphia, Wednesday, the Tenth of November, 1756. Present: Atwood Shute, Esquire.
The Foreigners whose Names are underwritten, [imported] in the Snow Chance, Capt. Lawrence, last from London, did this day take and subscribe the usual Qualifications, 109 and 1/2 whole Freights. Abel James.
Georg Ludwig Eberle Adam Schmidt Bernhard Uhlein Johann Sack Casper Burckhart Johann Wilhelm Stiernkorb Paulus (+++) Kamb Friedrich Schöff Joha. Andreas Klunck Johan Georg Schmidt Johann Peter Klunck Franz Waner Johann Nickel Kuhn Johann Görg Weinig Erhardt Conradt Caspar Biener Georg Ludwig Crusius Johannes Weytzel Gorg Doll Johan Peter Weber Leonard Dürr Johann Nickel Wagner Simon Hengel Friederich Walther Hans Wolff Gundel Christian Segnitz Nicklaus Hahn Johan Nickellas Zimerman Wolfgang Nicolaus Heymann Johanes (XX) Haas Johann Peter Körner Christian Pauli Johann Heinrich Klöpper Johan Magnus Pauli Michle Muller Valentin Dürr Nicklas Pauly Johann Nickel Wagner Johann Valentin Panzer Rudolff (++) Fullewiler Johanes (X) Sombero Hans Opplinger Balte Sching