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German Pioneers to Pennsylvania
Passenger Ships' Lists
Orange Beads

NOTE: List C is the only list for this ship.

[List 163 C] At the State House at Philadelphia, Thursday Afternoon 5th September 1751.

Present: The Mayor of the City.

The Foreigners whose Names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Shirley, Capt. James Allen, from Rotterdam, and last from The Orkneys in Scotland, did this day take and subscribe the usual Qualifications. No. 121. 288 whole Freights. 3 Roman Catholics. Messr. Stedman.

Lenard (X) Maas                        Johann Martin Kroll
Johannes Fähr                          Jacob Huth
Johannes Hoff                          Michael Schneider
Hans Jerg Betz                         Godlieb (  ) Rothde, on board
Christof (+) Ludewig                   Johannes Heyt
Mattheus Reutter                       Johann Philipp Wagner
Jerg Jacob Fäsal                       Michael (+) Weiss
Henry (X) Uhrrer                       Hans George (X) Klobly
Joseph Michael ( ) Shottey,            Johan Georg ( ) Curr 
on board			       Johann Lorentz
Johann Georg Schumacher                Hans Mardin Seyfrid
Johann Casper Spring                   Görg Adam Störr
Heinrich Wagner                        Hans Adam Gramlich
John Barnhard (X) Shrank               Johann David Herbst
Hans Gerg Schranck                     Balzar (X) Hening
Johann Michael Wagner                  H. George (X) Ney
Georg Kiebler                          Han Jacob Schoch
Heinrich Krafft                        Veit Meister
Johann Jacob Braun                     Conrad (X) Sampel
Thomas (X) Geiner                      Johannes Gilbert
Hans Conradt Zilling                   Johann Henrich Schirm
Georg Conrad Schweichart               Frederick ( ) Krafft, on board
Frieterich Sinn                        Jan Christoff Mook
Gorg Schörkh                           Johann Martin Sitzer
Jacob Schweickert                      H. Georg (X) Wurteberger**
Hans Adam Frank                        Christoph Horlacher
Jacob (X) Shack                        Georg Michael Gretter
Heinrich Curr                          H. Michael (X) Wurtenberg-[er]**
Johan Fredik (X) Teitz                     
Hans Gorg Kautzman                     Johann Georg Rühlin
Jerg Michel Walcker                    Jonahh Conrad Beyrer
Martin Leyer                           Hans Georg Vogelmann
Nickolas (+) Mildeberger               Michael (X) Foegelman
Lorentz (+) Ludewig                    Johann Michael Sommer
Lutwig Schüttler                       Friedrich Wielandt
Friederik (+) Shetz                    Christian (X) Sholl
Frans Stephanus Schweitzer             Lenhart (X) Sumer
George (IF) Frantz                     Michael (+) Arnold
Georg Kleeh                            Dietrich Röhm
Johann (X) Grosskopff                  Peter Mugler
Hans Steffan Marthin                   Frederick (X) Shwartz
Daniel (O) Pracht                      Johann Georg Blintzinger
Jörg Balschbach                        Christian (X) Riger
Jerg Kreidler                          Friderich Gros
Andereas (X) Kuhn                      Georg Martin Carle
Christoph Grässle                      Hans Michel Ott
Burckhart Heinrich                     Davit ( ) Frank
Wendel Minch                           Davit ( ) Edlinger
Jerg Simon Baum                        Francis ( ) Edebberger
Isa Paris                              Ludwich  ( ) Ernst
Johanes (X) Ney                        Jacob Bernard ( ) Danecker
Johan Georg Gassinger                  Johannes  ( ) Reys
Stephan Schertzer                      Melchior ( ) Lawall
Hans Samuel (X) Shweyart               Hans Georg ( ) Hand
Michael ( ) Foelix                     Christopher (  ) Ederly
Gabriel ( ) Rössler                    Jacob ( ) Sheyder
Johan George ( ) Epson                 Johan Elias ( ) Horrst
Johan Michael ( ) Leytecker            Nickolas ( ) Mittelburger
Melchior ( ) Reyval                    Hans ( ) Shauman
Andereas ( ) Shmeltzer                 Jacob ( ) Gerringer*

NOTE: * ( )-Names without marks - All of these names were written by the clerk in the absence of the passengers.

NOTE: ** WURTEBERGER: Please contact me by e-mail, if you are researching this name. My husband's Jacob SCHAD was married to Juliana WURTEBERGER in 1802, Lebanon County, PA. I am seeking her parents. Also please check my husband's Ahnentafel Chart.

NOTE: If you have found this page via a link from another home page, do visit all the ships' lists on: On the Trail of Our Ancestors.

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